Event planned for the 16th of May 2018 at INL

Free Registration here:
This year the INL, supported by the Portuguese Society for Optics and Photonics, is organizing the International Day of Light event WITH students FOR students.
Target group: Students from Natural Sciences & Engineering, Design & Arts, Medical & Life Sciences, Business & Management etc. that are interested in traineeship or master research internship opportunities. We would like to let you know more about the research internship opportunities at INL and want to celebrate with you the "International Day of Light".
The Day of Light is celebrated since the official Year of Light in 2015 promoted by the United Nations.
Other and our "Day of Light” celebrations across the globe can be found here:
Dear Students,
please let us know what you would like to include in the event program: this can be anything from info sessions about INL, a workshop on light technologies, or invited talks from national/international speakers - or other creative suggestions - we are looking forward to receive
your ideas!!!
So far our preliminary program includes:
I) Inspirational short talks (5 - 10 min) about:
-Light and Agriculture
-Light and Medicine
-Structures for Light
-Light-based Computing
- Total (1h, with discussions/questions)
II) A guided lab tour through our INL research facilities. (1 h)
The full program should be realized between about 14:30 and 18:30h on 16th of May 2018. Meaning we still have 2h to be organized by you!
Please send your suggestions to: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.
Looking forward to welcome you at INL as co-organizer or participant of the event.