SPOF’ president, Manuel Filipe Costa, was elected by unanimity ad-clamare President of Red(e) Iberoamericana de Optica, RIAO, for the term 2019-2022, assuming office at the last RIAO/OPTILAS conference that most successfully toke place in Cancun, Mexico, September 23 to 27, 2019. After the rather successful organization of the RIAO/OPTILAS2013 meeting in Porto back in 2013, the contribution of the Portuguese Optics and Photonics community is again recognized by the Iberoamerican O&P community. At the General Assembly of RIAO, held September 25, 2019, in Cancun, Argentina was also unanimously accepted as new member of RIAO.
General Assembly of RIAO. From left to right: Dr. Eric Rosas, Secretary of RIAO; Prof. Manuel Costa, RIAO board member from Portugal and RIAO’ President Elect 2019-2022; Prof. Efrain Solarte, RIAO’ President 2016-2019, Prof. Pedro Andres, RIAO’ Immediate Past-President.
RIAO’ Board members and national representatives at the RIAO’ General meeting, September 26, 2019, RIAO/OPTILAS2019, Cancun, Mexico
Attendance at the RIAO/OPTILAS meetings of the Red(e) Iberoamericana de Óptica.