June 3-5, 2020 | Vigo, Spain
Abstract Submission Deadline: 1st March, 2020

CEN2020 will address a wide range of topics related to nanophotonics, metamaterials and subwavelength optics. Topics will include all aspects of research, ranging from fundamental science to fabrication and applications.
Not less important the conference will address important applications as you can foresee from the great selection of invited and plenary speakers in the program. Moreover, we believe CEN2020 will be a fantastic environment to strength the links among the Iberian community in optics and photonics.
CEN2020 will take place Vigo during June 3-5, 2020 following the spirit initiated by the first five editions of the Spanish Nanophotonics Conference held respectively in Tarragona (2008), Segovia (2010), Carmona-Sevilla (2012), Santander (2014), Valencia (2016) and Donostia (2018). The Conference aims to gather all the groups carrying out research in Nanophotonics in Spain (as well as somewhere else with interest in the research in Nanophotonics performed here). It intends to spread the research results achieved by all the different Spanish groups and to promote the establishment or reinforcement of contacts between them, as a mean to help the community to become more visible and dynamic.
The Conference will be organized in thematic sessions composed of plenary, keynote and invited talks as well as contributed scientific communications (oral and poster). For a wider diffusion, contributions must be in English with the proposed format.
Submission opening: 17th December 2019
Abstract submission deadline: 1st March 2020
Registration opening: 15th March 2020
Notification of contribution: 15th March 2020
Registration deadline: 15th April 2020
Late registration deadline: 1st May 2020