4-7 September, 2023 | Porto, Portugal
Call for Papers until 31st March
12th Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
EMS LIBS is organized every two years by a team consisting of people from LIBS groups. This symposium convenes researchers from all over the world to share ideas and knowledge, not only about laser ablation itself, but also its interdisciplinary applications. In 2023 EMS Libs will have its 12th edition in the city of Porto, Portugal, between the 4th and the 7th of September.
Contributions covering new developments and applications in LIBS Science and technology are encouraged: Fundamentals; Chemometrics and Quantification; Calibration Free; Molecular; Hyphenated Techniques; Industry ; Mining; Space; Underwater; Instrumentation; Others.
Paper submission: 15th of January – 31st of March, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: 31st of March, 2023
Post-deadline paper due: To be announced
Early bird registration period: Until 30th of April, 2023
Conference: 4th -7th of September, 2023
Submission link and additional information coming soon.
First Call for Papers