28 & 29 May 2015 | Le Plaza Hotel, Brussels
Online registration open

The Photonics21 Annual Meeting 2015 entitled Photonics solutions for the European society will be the community event highlighting the new Photonics Public Private Partnership in Europe. Günther Oettinger, Commissioner for the Digital Economy & Society, has been invited to provide the keynote speech.
The event will provide a special focus on the photonics impact on the societal challenges of Europe. Photonics21 will share the PPP activities of the first year and kick start a process with the European Commission and community representatives from the Societal Challenges Programme of Horizon2020 to determine common areas of interest in Research and Innovation.
The debate will take place in four parallel thematic sessions following the plenary session on the 29 May 2015:
- Session 1: Photonics for smart cities and buildings
- Session 2: Photonics for the secure society
- Session 3: Photonics for resource-efficiency and green transport
- Session 4: Photonics for health and food security
You can download the draft agenda.
The online registration to the event is open. Like in the past years the entrance fee of 180 € (90 € for students) covers the evening reception, coffee and lunch break as well as the event programme.
Note: In previous years the Annual Meeting was fully booked. Registration is done on the first come first serve basis! So, please register at your earliest convenience.
You will find any further details on the