5 – 8 June 2016 | St. Thomas College, Pala, Arunapuram PO, Kottayam DT, Kerala, India
Second International Conference On Materials Science and Technology

St. Thomas College, Pala, is decking its arena once again for seekers and seers orbiting in the horizon of the Sciences. Most warm-hearted welcome to researchers and scholars especially in the field of Materials Science and Technology!! The Second International Conference on Material Science and Technology, 5 – 8 June 2016 warrants the sating of avid intellectual thirst.
Our First International Conference, ICMST 2012 (www.icmst2012.com), was really a landmark considering the number of its participants as well as the wide representation of countries across the world – 600 delegates from 30 countries and more than 1500 paper abstracts!
The ICMST 2016 promises you revitalizing discussions, rich and varied networking and cooperation along with a highly enriching experience of meeting great luminaries including Bharat Ratna Prof. C.N.R. Rao and the Nobel Laureate Prof. Ada E. Yonath. The conference strives for the exchange of the latest advances in both Science and Technology.
Attending ICMST 2016 also means experiencing the tranquil terrain and serene charm of Kerala, “God’s Own Country”.
Cruise with us to this Promised Land to share the milk and honey of sapience and wisdom.
We look forward to your estimable contribution and ardent participation, and wish you a stimulating and vibrant exchange across disciplines and nations.